
Unreal Engine

Some cool games that use the Unreal Engine (there are tons more)
Harry Potter Great game, great music, great textures, cool maps. I found making the jumps a bit annoying, but I have seen other people have a blast exploring the levels.
Klingon Honor Guard I had fun playing it.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Also fun
Unreal The original Unreal release, and you can definitely see why it was game of the year. Awesome look and feel, the visuals in this game are very impressive. First person single player, with puzzles to solve and maps to explore. Oh, and monsters to shoot. Unreal
Planet Unreal
Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali A sequal mission for Unreal with 17 new levels
Unreal 2 An upcoming single player release of the Unreal series. This one is going to be a continuation of the game universe found in the original Unreal game Unreal 2
Planet Unreal 2
Unreal Tournament The current state of the art game. The premise is a little thin, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Unreal TournamentUnreal Tournament
Planet Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2003 Upcoming release, supposedly due in late August 2002. 100 times the polygons, and over 50 player models... They are planning to really push the graphics envelope with this release. Unreal Tournament 2003
Planet Unreal Tournament 2003
Unreal Warfare A game planned, but we don't know much about it. The current version of the Unreal Engine is referred to in several documents as the Unreal Warfare engine, and that is about all we know.
Wheel of Time Awesome graphics, great music, this is a wonderful example of what can be done with the Unreal Tournament engine.
The unreal engine is one of the premier game engines, creating an immersive 3D environment and providing excellent single player and multiplayer games.

The engine itself has gone through different evolutionary stages, and is the core engine of a number of different commercial releases.

Even more importantly, anyone can use the editors to create maps, custom skins, or models (3d objects). They can even create mods to change gameplay.

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