Mistrealm UnrealTournament XTS Clan Home Page Voice Packs

by QuickDrawMcGraw

Packs by QuickDrawMcGraw
2pac Voice Pack Primary Alternate
3rdBass Voice Pack Primary Alternate
Adam Sandler Voice Pack Primary Alternate
Animaniacs Voice Pack Primary Alternate
Beastie Boys Voice Pack Primary Alternate
Comedy Voice Pack Primary

Packs by DeafSparky
Hey Everybody, I just finished my very first voicepack, check it out and tell me how you like it. If you want to put it on your server, add ServerPackages=jhmix1 to your [Engine.GameEngine] section of your UnrealTournament.ini * §þå®k¥

Packs by Dave
New Yawker Voice Pack Primary Alternate

Here's his new (2nd) voice pack, the India Chap! Great stuff man, it just gets better 'n' better! Oh, and in the Readme, I left the times for you two the same, I didn't get any notes on how long it took you guys lol.

1 thing - the "I'm in position" sound clip won't play. I've heard there was a problem with it, never tried it till now. And they were apparently right. The text shows up - but no sound.

The pack is attached. Also, feel free to put a link up on PG with this here: http://users.commspeed.net/jperkins/ut/voicepacks.html - that's where the rest of em are.

I would but I'm extremely excessively overdue for some sleep!

And one more kinda bad thing....I jacked the volume up on all clips, but they still play a wee bit quiet I think. If you don't like it I'll re-do it.

India Chap Voice Pack Primary Alternate

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