Q: Where do I get the mod - can't see download link? cheers McQ

ADR for UT99

ADR for UT2003

Excessive Overkill

Excessive Overkill (EO community version)

Oldskool Ampd


Unreal Tournament

Due to popular demand, the ADR, EO, UT99, and Oldschool comparison page

Excessive Overkill

Excessive Overkill 1.0 Shock Rifle
Excessive Overkill 1.1 Redeemer


Triple the action is what makes this MOD, in our opinion, the best UT MOD available. EO is one of the most popular mods for Unreal Tournament because it’s all about inflicting massive damage on your opponents with a barrage of ultra fast and furious weapon fire. Capturing the flag, then Rocket Jumping across the base or across the entire map to rain rockets down on an unsuspecting enemy player is what Excessive Overkill is all about.

Excessive Overkill 1.0
Excessive Overkill 1.1a
Excessive Overkill 1.1b
Excessive Overkill 1.1c
Excessive Overkill 1.1d
Excessive Overkill 1.1e
Excessive Overkill 1.1f
Excessive Overkill 1.1g Excessive Overkill 1.1gIR
Excessive Overkill 1.1h
Excessive Overkill 1.1i warning slowdowns reported with this release
Excessive Overkill 1.1j warning slowdowns reported with this release

The information sheets will follow in reverse order, starting at the most recent, and working to the oldest release.

Excessive Overkill 1.1j

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1j
NetworkingRecoded network internals on redeemers and shock rifles in an attempt to address complaints about slowdowns during network play. Hopefully we will see more stability from the redeemer code as well.

Excessive Overkill 1.1i

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1i
InternalsTrimmed the gibs
Shock RifleCombo is functionally the same, cut down plasma sphere network traffic 400%
RedeemerRedeemer respawn time increased 50%
RedeemerFixed remote detonation, clients can now trigger the redeemer with the primary fire during guided flight again
AwardsInvisibility bug fixed, and added back to the awards list

Excessive Overkill 1.1h

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1h
Bug FixRemoved blank menu item (good catch MODatic)
RedeemerRings of fire fixed for network play
RedeemerVolume in wav file toned down. Volume also turned down in the PlaySound function. Let me know if this helps or not. It could be the quality of the wav file itself. Please feel free to send in your best nuclear blast sounds, I would be glad to audit them for a better one.
Impact HammerReduced radius of redeemer blast compared to the actual redeemer.
Shock RifleLimit 3 plasma balls per customer
Plasma GunToned Down

Excessive Overkill 1.1gIR

By popular demand, a version where Instant Rockets are still enabled. Enjoy!

Excessive Overkill 1.1g

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1g
RazorsOne of the razor tweaks mentioned in 1.1f (reduced damage on the bounced blades) is actually present in 1.1g.
BugsBypassed the invisibility bug for now by removing it from the awards list. This should make this release bug free, as far as I know.

Excessive Overkill 1.1f

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1f
InternalsHUD - Fixed "Accessed None" errors, and fixed the huds for each of the various game types. Your log files are safe once again.
Server BrowserMenu item renamed 1.1f
All weaponsAll weapon projectiles (not instant trace weapons, like the rifle, the minigun, the enforcer) can now be fired through teleporters. Including the redeemer.
RedeemerRate of travel slowed, blast radius reduced slightly, RateSelf (Bot AI function) tweaked, new sound file for explosion
Rocket LauncherDue to a rate-of-fire side-effect (oops), and the popular demand of several different testers, the original flavor Rocket Launcher is back (with Instant Rockets disabled). Thanks to all of you folks that beta-tested the augmented seeking version of the Rocket Launcher.
Pulse GunRemoved the left/right firing pattern. Beta testers reported that the blinding effect is one of the main uses of the primary fire of this weapon, and that was no longer effective.
RazorAdjusted primary fire damage, "wing" blades now do more damage than the center blade. The razors can survive more wall bounces now, but each wall bounce lessens the damage the razor delivers slightly. Head shots are once again no longer possible on the primary fire, but they are still available on the secondary fire (this puts us back in line with the original specifications).
Spree BonusFixed the Spree Bonus / Redeemer bug.

Excessive Overkill 1.1e

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1e
InternalsRenamed Excessive No Powerups and Excessive Time to have the 1.1e designator
RedeemerRedeemer visuals are complete. Brightened initial flash. The area of destruction was too large, toned down the blast area to 6 times normal instead of 20 times normal. Increased size of the scorch mark.
RazorPrimary fire damage doubled, and razors now fire left and right alternately. The idea is fewer projectiles, more damage, less server traffic, hopefully the same amout of fun.
Rocket LauncherTarget lock acquisition time decreased, tweaked rate of single rocket fire, returned damage and kickback to original excessive values (except seeking rockets which are reduced slightly). If actual feedback from real players prooves that these adjustments are abusive, I will be glad to remove them. I strongly doubt that anyone who actually tries it will have any real issues with it. As always, questions, comments, complaints and suggestions are welcome.
Impact HammerImpact hammer explosions now use the same code as the Redeemer, and changes made there will automatically be reflected in the hammer explosions. I am considering replacing the secondary attack with something more like the original Impact Hammer, let me know what you think.
Nali Healing FruitDoubled the healing of Nali Healing Fruit, and now they heal towards the total maximum hit points (499), not just the first 100.

Excessive Overkill 1.1d

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1d
HUD fixFixed problems with the HUD. There is still an accessed none problem that needs to be fixed, but it works much better now. Added a "DeathMatch" style rating too.
Spree bonusKilling Spree= Big Keg O' Health
Rampage= & Shieldbelt
Dominating= &U-Damage
Unstoppable= & Invis
Godlike=  & Redeemer
Every additional five – same benefits as Godlike
My testing seems to indicate this is abusive at any level above rampage. There is also a bug when alt-firing a redeemer, and earning a new one in the same round.
RedeemerThe Redeemer stats tweaked up a bit more. Slower than in version 1.1c. Started work on the visual effects, there is still more to be done there (additional spherical visible component, blinding flash). Recoded the whole object to make changes easier.
Pulse GunAlt fire range doubled, primary fire alternates left and right
MinigunOccasional rocket launched during alternate fire.
Shock RifleNow only three trigger. My testing seems to show that this could go even lower and still have a very powerful weapon.
Rocket LauncherThe beefed up target aquisition feature is not active in this release. I hope to have it in the next one, barring a great hue and cry against it.

Excessive Overkill 1.1c

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1c
RedeemerThe Redeemer stats tweaked up a bit more
Rocket LauncherInstant rockets were removed. My point of view is that no weapon should ever be weakened, but |CFH|Sonicßoom claims that most people hate instant rockets. I upgraded the seeking rockets slightly to make up for this downsizing. Kickback was also increased.
RazorHeadshots added back in. Slight damage and kickback increase. Razor lifespan increased.

Excessive Overkill 1.1b

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1b
InternalsHealth and ammo recharge rate (now every .5 seconds).
RedeemerThe Redeemer's explosion range will be 3X larger, and the explosion will cover distance twice as fast. The missile will travel twice or 2.5 times faster
Body ArmorGives 200 armor instead of 100.
Thigh padsGive 100 armor instead of 50.
ShieldbeltGives 300 armor instead of 150.
Big Keg O’Health Gives 200 points instead of 100.
HealthMax health 499 instead of 399.

Excessive Overkill 1.1a

InternalsRenamed objects 1.1a
RedeemerWas working on tweaking the Redeemer, but lost all weapons except goo gun and flak cannon. Don't bother downloading this release.

Excessive Overkill 1.0

Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill for Unreal Tournament
Author: Cicero
Date: 4/21/2000
E-mail: cicero@nethorse.com
Version: 1.0

This is a collection of mutators and game types that are exactly what the name implies: Excessive. It replaces the standard UT weapons with overcharged versions, gives all players all weapons, and regenerates players' health and ammo, and removes self-damage. The result is instant and constant mayhem in every game. There is no point in trying to play stealthy and avoid getting fragged, because you WILL die, and you WILL get kills. So enjoy it and take as many people with you as you can!

Weapon Primary Secondary
Impact Hammer Hold down for 5 seconds, and you suicide with a redeemer explosion! Same as before, but a hit always results with an instant kill.
Double Enforcers There is no single enforcer. Rate of fire and damage greatly increased.
GES BioRifle Rate of fire and damage increased. Charges much faster, and will spew out a LOT of globs. Meaning very many.
Shock Rifle Primary & Secondary: rate of fire and damage increased. Special Move: explosions are bigger and do more damage, and will trigger other Shock Rifle plasma projectiles in the area. In other words, they will chain react.
Pulse Gun Rate of fire and damage increased, and now fires 3 plasma spheres. Damage increased, and tip now causes explosions where it strikes for even more damage.
Ripper Rate of fire and damage increased, and now fires 3 razors. Also, razors no longer stop when they hit a target, but will keep on flying until they max out their time or wall hits. Rate of fire and damage increased, and kickback increased a LOT.
Minigun Rate of fire and damage increased, and now fires exploding bullets for even more damage.
Flak Cannon Rate of fire and damage increased. Rate of fire increased, and now spawns flak chunks in random directions, which explode on impact.
Rocket Launcher Rate of fire and damage increased, and rockets travel faster. Rate of fire and damage increased, and grenades explode quicker.
Sniper Rifle Rate of fire increased, and fires exploding bullets for even more damage. Same (zoom).

All players start with 300 health, which regenerates 5 points every .6 seconds.
All health pickups except Big Keg O' Health are removed from the game.
All players start with all weapons and ammo, and ammo regenerates every .6 seconds (variable amount depending on weapon).
All weapon and ammo pickups are removed from the game.
Self-damage is completely turned off.
All players get a Damage Amp every 5 minutes.
Headshots are removed.


Although the weapons and other modifications are included as mutators, it is highly recommended that you play one of the full game types (Excessive DeathMatch, Excessive CTF, etc.) to get all of the mod's features. There are included game types for the six basic UT game types (DeathMatch, Team Deathmatch, CTF, Domination, LMS, and Assault).

If you are a game type author and want an Excessive version of your game, please email me and I can definitely "overkill" your game for you.

Server admins, PLEASE bear in mind that Excessive eats up a LOT of bandwidth, probably 130% - 150% of what a regular server does. If you can host a max of 16 players with regular UT, you can probably do about 12 with Excessive. Setting your MaxClientRate to ~5000 is also highly reccommended.

Known Issues

Because of the huge number of explosions and projectiles flying around, Excessive can be very bandwidth and video card-intensive. Don't expect glass-smooth gameplay unless you're on a high-end system on a fast connection. It is still more than playable on lower-end systems and connections, however. I am always open to suggestions for improving efficiency without losing gameplay.

Please email myself or Mr. Pants (dan@gamespy.com) with any bugs or suggestions.

Thanks To

Mr. Pants for making this kick-ass mod for Quake 3: Arena in the first place, and for supporting my efforts to make a UT version. The whole crew on the Mod Central Mutators forum, without who's help this would not have been possible. NULL and Lickty-Splat at pft.com for hosting my server in their house. Beppo for letting me borrow his browser code. And last but not least, all the cool folks who helped playtest the betas, especially Mouser_Kit and the crew at Intellitools. You all rock!

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