
Dungeons and Dragons


Random Wizard Generator Notes

Rolling up a wizard character is a very difficult task. There a huge number of details to work out. Performing even the most basic of min-maxing is tedious at best. Spell lists and books? Nearly impossible without some sort of stack of paperwork.

I revived my Random Wizard generator, a C program I started some ancient ages ago. It rolls up wizards using the classic 4d6 drop lowest method, min-maxes the racial selection, randomly selects the wizard type, and so forth. I will be adding a Spellbook Generator to it at some point, should I get the time.


I am not sure if this is a campaign or a story yet.

To be named at some point:
Character 1 - short, smiling woman, blond, blue eyes
Character 2 - serious looking angry man, dark hair, bearded
Character 3 - the journeyman - young man, blonde or light brown hair,

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